I met Nelly when he started his career at Highgrove. I had the pleasure of training him, and we got to know each other quite quickly.
Eventually we would both wind up assistant managers in separate stores. Most of our friendship was during phone calls between the stores. More than a few customers had to be patient, as when we spoke to each other there was always banter! We felt the same excitement toward each other calling. I'm very grateful for this.
Nelz and I shared a sense of humour. Every work Christmas party together was a joy. We knew how to be a pair of silly blokes, when it was called for!
The thing I love the most about Nelson? Whenever I was struggling (which was often) he was always there for me, without being asked, without complaint. Not only is he the strongest man I have ever known, but whilst facing such unfair, terrifying circumstances, he would be there for others. Myself included.
Nelz, brother, I will cherish you forever. I love you dearly.